Dr. Duryodhan Mangaraj Passed away

posted in: Obituary | 7

Prof. Duryodhan Mangaraj Passed away We are saddened to announce that Prof. Duryodhan Mangaraj passed away February 13, 2022. He was 9x and is survived by his wife Shakuntala, two sons (Lahari and Rajeev), a daughter (Sagarika), and grandchildren (XXXX). … Continued

Dr. Prasanta Misra Passed away

posted in: Obituary | 0

Dr. Prasanta Misra Passed away We are saddened to announce that Dr. Prasanta Misra passed away January 27, 2021. He was 84 and is survived by his wife Swayamprava, two sons, and a daughter. He received  a Master’s degree in … Continued

Dr. Prasanta Misra Passed away

posted in: Obituary | 4

Dr. Prasanta Misra Passed away We are saddened to announce that Dr. Prasanta Misra passed away January 27, 2021. He was 84 and is survived by his wife Swayamprava, two sons, and a daughter. He received  a Master’s degree in … Continued

Daisey Ray passed away

posted in: Obituary | 0

Defeating many odds of the nature, aligning herself as a Hindu pious wife, and Daisey Nayak passed away last night (needs date and time) at their residence in Mumbai. Odds: Average women life span is longer than that of a  … Continued

Remembering Dr. Sashi Mohanty

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Dr. Sashi Mohanty, a prominent Odia immigrant in USA passed away on March 18, 2015 with natural causes.  A gathering, on April 20, 2015 in University of Maryland had given their respect to celebrate his life achievements. Odishagateway.org had presented … Continued