It is amazing what the mankind may be missing now and may never realize if we do not bring to their attention now. Two days back I was looking for some reference stuff on American Revolution, Civil War, hatred, American demography etc. in context of the current uncomfortable world situation. I found some very interesting facts including Rockefellor dynasty, Ford car revolution etc. Read about their humiliation, hard work, un-nerving public opinion! Of course nothing would have happened to them ever, without their persistent effort and believing in themselves. Specifically, as was once told by an (reference needed) American President, “every American’s life is a history by itself.” We Indians (including Odias) in America are among those Dwellers, Navigators, Path Finders, or whatever you want to call yourself and need to express ourselves to share our religious and social beliefs as others too. To that end we want to know from your own personal expression on any subject matter you believe you want to share with us. We just wanted to share with you some heartfelt, selfish perhaps, exchanges, and make it a part of “our” life. Those experiences may be communicated, depending your ability and life style, to us un-censored or otherwise. Our philosophy that our ancestors had taught us was (among many other teachings) (xxxxxxxxx), “You have absolute ownership of your hard work but “not” of the benefits.
A few topics to think about:
- Re-designing the Hindu Religion for 21st century
- Migrate the caste based community to caste-less Odia Community
- What was in the engineering mind of “Vishwakarma” who came down from Heaven to Puri as a carpenter, and accepted to architect and build deities for Jagannath temple? As an example (reference) read how an engineering work using 3D Printing, figures out how strong a Prehistoric woman’s hand was.
- Educate Odia off-site community of our value and let all practice it
- Develop a hate-less community
- Virtual World Mailbox internet based – Cost a little more than the surface mails
- Promote Odia music and art, attractive to Non-Odias adding value
- Own stories on paths traveled by Odias in America, Australia or other countries
- Production With children (or adult) voices.
- American born Odia, a book in line with Gene Luen Yang, author of “American born Chinese.”
Please contact us, as a leader, with your ideas to share and lead. A lot of people have spent a lot of time for Now we have an infrastructure (as big as you want us to evolve it to) and thank them.