Many of us have tried to streamline Saraswati Pujs for last 50 years in . It will be nice to formalize the process with some guidelines and if possible
Please comment on the form or e-mail me.
Many of us have tried to streamline Saraswati Pujs for last 50 years in . It will be nice to formalize the process with some guidelines and if possible
Please comment on the form or e-mail me.
The following comments from Pitambar Sarangi:
“Dear Surendra babu
Namaskar. I am sorry that I am late in replying. I looked at the material and it is certainly informative and has everything ( mostly ) one needs to know about Ma Saraswati.
The link pooja is more complex which in my IMHO may not be followed by the current generation here to continue the tradition. In my opinion we need to simplify it and present in English, with explanation of the “prakriya” so that the upcoming generation can use it.
Pitambar Sarangi
Hello all:
Since the Saraswati Puja is going to be celebrated in DC area on February 10, 2019 I suggest we spend our intellectual and spiritual involvement to accomplish the following:
(1) The Slokas in the site were once recorded by Debaki Choewdhury 2 years back. I am requesting him and Pratap Dash in converting those 4 Slokas (they can put solo/a group voice) as leading voice(s) and the audience to repeat after them as we used to do before the digital world, for the live performance on that day. We save the recorded version as the second “live audience version” on the site for future. On February 10 we perform and find if this is useful and correct it further if needed.
(2) On the website we have all the stuff and history to prepare and publish a book later.
Please make use of the “Comment” form for further communications.