Our condolences for passing away of Dr. Amiya Mohanty

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We are very saddened to hear that Dr. Amiya Mohanty of Kentucky passed away this morning (June 18, 2020). He was Professor emeritus at Eastern Kentucky University and prior to that a professor of IIT Kharagpur, India. Most of the Odias who immigrated to USA in those days were indeed pioneers in education, and India would not issue a passport to them unless they served India for five years.
As one of the Odias in USA, Gyana Das expressed in his his condolences, “He was a die hard Odia m usic lover and his rendition “Nai kula tala bane baia basa tilo….” was one of our favorites. Alas! we would not get anymore chance to hear this song from him…” is so true!
On my part, who was the Harmonium player, I want to express myself saying “I could see him in the first row of the audience till the wee hours of the next morning (some times 3-4 AM).” What a man!
Our condolences to Saratkumari, Ranjan and Meena.

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