Kayley & Robert Wedding
The 11th Avatar is after the Dasa Avatar There isa Budget picture for Global warning Add it here (in Media Library)
By Bill Clinton Donald Trump NY Governor Cuomo
See the contrast here
Odishagateway.org (OG) has set up workshops for the local Odia community in the past for co-working. In past 50 years Washington DC metro area has been the center of Odia cultures of different types. Its inhabitants, because of different reasons … Continued
In case of bread, as in many other cases, the contents %s may not add up to 100. One may see contents being mentioned in decreasing order of ingredients. The difference is due to insignificant -ve health effect of the … Continued
Odishagateway technical folks have tested Odia fonts (both 2-D and 3-D) for past several years. Their Odia 3-D fonts were tested for the 3-D machines for the first of its kind. Normally MS fonts were adapted on 3D machines in … Continued
Puruni-sag (Purslane, Indian Parselane, Botanical Name: xxx) XXXXX
ffff This 3D Printed Electric Car Will Enter Production This Year Cars have gone from “get me from point A to point B by burning gas” mode of transportation to a dream project for innovative techies. Cars can now run … Continued