Odisha Gateway calling for 2020 Workshops

Odishagateway.org (OG) has set up workshops for the local Odia community in the past for co-working. In past 50 years Washington DC metro area has been the center of Odia cultures of different types. Its inhabitants, because of different reasons and opportunities, have been the center of many aspects of our community life. We had organized numerous such workshops and meetings in past 50 years. Luckily, our number has exponentially grown and we are happy for that.

Odishagateway.org intends for calling next 12 workshops, the end result being sharing wealth of knowledge  and skills, our community has, willing, and open to both sides of the Atlantic/Pacific oceans. Our community people, as the Indian trend in past 25 years, almost mass migrate both ways,  depending the season whether it is Summer or Winter. This mass seasonal temporary migration movement can be taken advantage of for exchange of great ideas and skills sharing. Let us list those idea sharing to improve ours and theirs, subject to change as you wish, the following. The references are already in the Odishsgateway.org and we will add on depending our interest. These workshops will be held, once every month.

Anybody age 5 and up can attend these workshops.

These workshops fall in line with our OG themes, Learn Together and Live Together.

Encouraged by our local community folks we are calling for the next workshop on February 16, 2020 Sunday Noon. We will meet at promptly at noon time for an hour. The placehas a community lounge and we will bring in some small snacks and possibly some tea or Coffee.

The topic is Odia Music, not necessarily limited to Odishi or Champu. Remember, our themes are Learn and Live Together.  Address: Nancy Dacek North Potomac
Community Recreation Center, 13850 Travilah Road, Rockville, MD 20850. Meet in the community Lounge.

Future Workshops:

We will work on supporting the digital resources of Odishgateway.org for all categories

1. Religious (About Jagannath & other Hindu mythological anecdotes including digital products)

  • Pandavas’ Mahaprastan (Swarga Jatra) (CLICK HERE)
    2. Engineering (3-D Printing of products with Odia alphabets and themes)
    3. Hand Arts & Crafts including sewing, knitting or you name it.
    3. Education (AI, Computer workshops in Odisha and USA)
    4. Publishing (Stories & presentations Odia themes)
    5. Aging Groups (keeping minds working, examples Card games etc.)
    6. Odia Food Recipes (authentic, including Jagannath food recipes in-American kitchens and commercial)

We are inviting your comments and participation. We need “leaders” for all these workshops. Please come forward.

Please use the dropdown form to input your thoughts for this call or future programs. Thank you.

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