Subhas Mohapatra passed away

posted in: Obituary | 1

Dr. Subhas Chandra Mohapatra, an Odia Path Finder, scientist, educator and entrepreneur with a great passion for the Odia community suddenly passed away in his dear work place on December 21, 2017. The Odia community is grieved and it is a great loss to the community. He is survived by his wife Nirupama, son Gautam, son Chris, and daughter Tanuja.

We express our condolence and much sympathy to the bereaved family.

Updates: A memorial service is arranged (CLICK HERE for details) on February 18, 2018 between noon and 3:30 pm.  You can also reply to this post and your message will be delivered to the family.

  1. Surendra Ray

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    We are deeply saddened by the sudden death of Dr. Mohapatra. He and the family were very close to our family. What I did not know before he and I met here in USA, that he went to the same high school (Rairarangpur High School, Mayurbhanj) and he even knew my elder brother by name. My brother and his father were colleagues in the subdivisional HQ, Rairangpur.

    Of course the way he was, an honest, vibrant, rugged soccer player, focused researcher, and community leader that in a crowd nobody would miss his presence. At the end he just died; no suffering, no pain, like a brave soldier in a vertically up position. He must be resting peacefully in the heaven.

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