Reported by Dr. Swayam Prakash Rout (Odisha)
September 7, 2017 – Update from the Torasia family follows:
Respected Madam / Sir,
With utmost grief I, Sabyasachi Tarasia, Son of Dr Sodananda Torasia would like to inform that my father left us for the heavenly abode on 04th September, 2017 at 10:30 pm. Due to a brain stroke, he was suffering from right side paralysis and loss of speech for last 9 months. I and my family members request you to pray for His Soul to rest in peace.
Sir: You would be sad to note that Sadananda Torasia physicist and administrator expired today (August 4, 2017). May his soul rest in peace.
(Dr. Rout – needed more information)
He was a member of the Bigyan Prachara Samiti (1960’s), the original name of current Odisha Bigyan Academy.
Dr. Torasia was my teacher (19 62), well wisher, colleague (in Ravenshaw College, now Ravenshaw University (RU)), and one of my best family friends. He was very visible among students and faculty members in Ravenshaw Colle on those days. He and a few of my colleagues (including late Nukunja Mishra) invigorated the M. Sc. X-ray laboratory in RU and that became the third special subject for the Physics post graduate specialties. He was one of my admirers, personal academic promoters, and always stood behind whatever cause I would undertake.
He was a member of the Bigyan Prachar Samiti during 1960’s. As far as I remember he was the Odisha Government’s first Department of Science Secretary. He had invited me to give a lecture in the Planetarium he had established for the first time in Odisha and always was in touch with me including monitoring activities.
He had supported me enormously on my initiatives of pursuing Odisha and Maryland Sisterhood (1992), Odisha import-export, and other projects.
I am feel emotionally detached at this loss. Am sure he will get a respectable place in the heaven. My sympathies with the bereaved family.