Good Ol’ America

posted in: AI, Business, Demographic, Education, Garden | 0

April 12, 2019

Just another typical day since November1970, I arrived on he American soil as a graduate student in San Francisco. My wife got up with a panic attack at 5 AM, regular schedule being 4 AM to be at the office in the National Guard Headquarter office by 7 AM. That also meant I had to get a quick wash up to drive her to her office instead of her riding a metro (I work as a high tech Monday Quarterback consultant for last few years). From that stand point I am the house husband.

It is the Trump era monarchy (almost) in the 3rd year of an establishment, not bad at all. It is just another American point of view with an 8 year longsivity at most.

Yesterday my work assignment was to construct a brick pathway in my wife’s garden, with a paid temp worker from south who was getting paid to just admire my age comparing with hard work I could do with him, that includes him to hand me over a over a hammer when I ordered a pair of scissors, after going back and forth to my garage two times when the hammer was behind me in a hand cart. Of course he was happy that he had a seasonal work permit when other thousands waiting at the Mexican border with the future unknown, and all other fifty percent party politicians, whether or not allowing extra 5 Bilies. Not bad.

It is the first wave of busy Panera house wives with their children with nice sound but I have to quit and allow them to rule the Panera empire. I am glad.  TO CONTINUE.


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