Home Gardner Sprinkler System

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There is a lot of family fun (age 1-100+) using an inexpensive (suits any pocket)garden sprinkler/dripper system.  We use  it for an area of 6,000+ sq. ft. lawn/garden area covering may be 400+ linear feet.

What’s the difference between sprinkler and dripper systems?

  • Well sprinkler sprinkles (sprinkles above ground) and dripper drips (the root system)
  • sprinkler/dripper system does it both, and usually the system available do the both.
  • When it (the system) is used in the evening (darkness) “do not” use sprinkler


  • The Lowe’s starter kit costs about $50.00 (approx.) (we prefer this)
  • From our experience, our annual maintenance tapered off to ($20, 10,….now $5-6 depending on new expansion and some cleaning etc.)
  • Our Odisha Gateway volunteers will charge you $15/hour if you need them (and you can reciprocate rather than pay)

Following gallery is from our garden, being irrigated by the Lowe’s system mentioned above Like it? Then comment:

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