General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule or not?

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GSA Announces Transformation of Multiple Awards Schedules

WASHINGTON, D.C.- The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) today (Last Reviewed 2018-11-27)  announced it will modernize federal acquisition by consolidating the agency’s 24 Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) into one single schedule for products and services.

The MAS transformation is part of GSA’s Federal Marketplace strategy to make the government buying and selling experience easy, efficient and modern. It supports GSA’s strategic goal to establish the agency as the premier provider of efficient and effective acquisition solutions across the government.

“Reforming our schedules will improve customer service, make it easier for small businesses to access the schedules program, reduce duplication for all our vendors, and allows GSA’s workforce to focus on delivering solutions,” said GSA Administrator, Emily Murphy. “This is an important step in addressing feedback we’ve received from our government and business partners.”

Under MAS (also referred to as the GSA Schedules and Federal Supply Schedules), GSA establishes long-term, governmentwide contracts with commercial firms offering more than 10 million commercial supplies and services that federal, state, and local agencies order directly from GSA Schedule contractors, or through the GSA Advantage!® online shopping and ordering system. Approximately $31 billion dollars is spent through MAS each year.

“A single schedule for products and services will make it easier for customers to find and purchase the solutions they need to meet their respective missions,” said GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service Commissioner, Alan Thomas. “It will also provide a single entry point to MAS with consistent practices applied across the program and save vendors from the burden of managing contracts on multiple schedules.”

Partnering with customers and industry was a key component of the schedules consolidation. Over the last year, GSA solicited feedback from customer agencies and industry partners through events, meetings and surveys.

“We have engaged with and listened to our stakeholders and will continue to work together as we move forward with the MAS consolidation process,” said MAS Program Management Office Director, Stephanie Shutt. “We look forward to the many benefits this solution will bring to federal agencies, industry partners and American taxpayers.”

Industry partners interested in learning more about how GSA is modernizing acquisition through MAS consolidation and its Federal Marketplace strategy can attend GSA’s next industry day at GSA’s headquarters on December 12. Visit GSA’s Interact post to learn more.

Reference 1.

To learn more CLICK HERE

Reference 2. Other reviews in November 2018

What other agencies have Government Wide .Acquisition Contract (GWAC) contract vehicles?

  • Navy Seaport-e
    Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP, pronounced ‘soup’), is a multi-award Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) vehicle focused on commercial IT products and product based services. With over 140 pre-competed Prime Contract Holders, SEWP offers a wide range of commercial advanced technology including tablets, desktops and servers; IT peripherals; network equipment; storage systems; security tools; software products; cloud based services; telecommunications; Health IT; sensors; video conferencing systems and other IT, Communication and Audio-Visual products. Product based Services such as installation, training, maintenance and warranty and a full range of product based services are also available through SEWP. More About SEWP V…
Sample GSA IT 70 schedules


Price Proposal Burden References

New Proposers Instructions


Position Description

Download an Excel file from “Position Description” file. The file name is “Price_Proposal_Template_Refresh.xlsx”

Professional Compensation Plan

Write up in Company Corporate Plan

Uncompensated overtime Policy

Write up in Company Corporate Plan and say, “we have it”

Proposed Authorized FSS Pricelist IAW I-FSS600


Contract Price Lists


Commercial Price List

REFERENCE SAME as in Contract Price Lists

Labor Category Matrix

Service Contract Act (SCA) Matrix


More granular guidelines on Fringe, Overhead, and G&A

Federal Procurement Data Search (FPDS) Codes?

These FPDS are not being used anymore according to George Mason University counselling.



Modernization needs Innovation Look at hardwar, softwre, platform form etc.

Provide References. Below. Published Requirements for DOD. (WORD FILE in Windows 10.)


By the end of next year, all organizations working with the government will have a new identifier. This major shift has generated some questions, which GSA is trying to answer.

Next Transformation of GSA and Fed Business for 2020






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